In Stock AAV Reporter Vectors

Vectors at >1e12 VG/mL. For academic use: (25μL aliquots $75) or (100μL aliquots $300). For commercial use: (25μL aliquots $105) or (100μL aliquots $420).

To order a reporter vector please e-mail with the requested capsid, reporter gene, aliquot size, quantity, along with your contact details (name, institution, address, and telephone number). We will send you a quote in reply.

Reporter Vectors

Capsid Reporter # Aliquots (25 MICROLITER) # Aliquots (100 MICROLITER)
AAV1 CBA-GFP 48 17
AAV1 sc-smCBA-GFP 7 9
AAV1 CBA-mCherry 1 3
AAV1 CBA-mCherry-WPRE 12 7
AAV1 smCBA-Luc 4 4
AAV1 (E531K) CBA-GFP 28 31
AAV2 CBA-GFP 94 83
AAV2 CBA-mt-DsRED 4 1
AAV2 smCBA-LUC 7 8

*Kits VCL-001-003 contain 25μL aliquots of CBA-GFP in each of the following: AAV1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, rh10 and AAV2(Y444F)